Wednesday 15 February 2017

How to Play Online Craps: Playing Instructions

Craps is one of the casino breathtaking games; it is a quick game that players love a lot. The Craps game is based on just a couple of dice. Craps is one of the games that can compensate the house edge as the player is able to buy “correct odds” and get the chance to bet with the dealer and this is known as “wrong way bet”.

The Craps game could be divided into two steps. The first step is rolling out the dice to set a point. The player in this phase will roll the dice to set a point according to the value of the dice. The second phase is to roll again until he is able to get the same number or gets seven.
Below we created the instructions and strategies step by step that will help you to playing craps online. 

First phase (coming out)

In the first phase, the shooter is trying to roll the dice to get seven or eleven. The players have the option to bet on the shooter to get these numbers, if he was able to get these numbers then the players will win but, if he scored 2, 3 or 12 then they lose.
Those who bet on the shooter to get 7 or 11 are called the right way bettors while those who bet that the shooter won’t get these numbers are called the wrong way bettors. Right way bettors place their bets on pass line while wrong way place their bets on don’t pass line. Wrong way bettors win when right way bettors lose.

Second phase

During the first phase, the shooter established a point. After that, he rolls again trying to get the same number or a seven. If he gets the same number then he returns back to the first phase again. If he rolls seven then the next player anticlockwise will get the turn to roll the dice.

In case the player hits the same point then the right way loses and the wrong way wins while, in case of hitting seven then the wrong way bettors win and the right way lose. Before the second phase, all the players can place different bets and their winning or loss is according to the number rolled.

Different types of Craps bets

Pass line betting: this bet is placed during the first phase where the players bet whether the shooter will get the same established point or a seven during the second phase. The payout of this bet differs according to the odds that the player buys and the established point itself.
Come betting: this one is placed before the second phase begins and it is betting on getting a seven or eleven. If the shooter gets a seven or eleven then the bet is paid out. If the shooter gets 2, 3 or 12 then the bet is lost. On the occurrence of other numbers then the bet is moved to said number and the shooter rolls again. At that time, if the shooter gets the same number then, the bettor wins but in case the shooter gets seven then the bet is lost.

Do not come betting: it is the opposite way of the come bet. The payment scheme is totally the opposite of the come bet.

Placing the bet: this is the main bet of Craps, the player can bet on the numbers that could be the established point. These numbers are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. To win the bet, the shooter should score the same point before getting a seven.

One time bets

Field betting: this bet is for one roll only; it is placed on 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 12. If the number is acquired then the bet is won and if any other number is scored then the bet is lost.
Any Craps: one time bet for one roll for the occurrence of craps (2, 3 or 12).
Any Seven: one time bet for one roll for the occurrence of 7.
Eleven: one time bet for one roll for scoring 11.
Horn betting: this is also a single bet for the occurrence of either two or three or eleven or twelve.
Hardway bet: this bet could be placed on the following numbers 4, 6, 8 or 10. In order to win the bet, the number should occur through double numbers. The bet is lost even if the number is scored by “easy ways”.

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